We Live In A Numbing Culture. What’s Your Vice?

We Live In A Numbing Culture. What’s Your Vice?

Guest Allan Talks About Addiction on KirstyTV

Meet my friend and guest, Allan Anderson.  I originally met Allan as my personal trainer, so when he opened up to me about his recovery as an alcoholic I was surprised because he is just so fit! What shocked me most was when he shared that he used to get up and have vodka and orange juice for breakfast everyday. It was almost like he was talking about someone else; one of his clients who lived an unhealthy lifestyle. 

Allan had his first drink at age 16. His social drinking then escalated over the years to a full blown drinking problem. By age 35, he was an alcoholic.  His alcoholism lasted just over a decade and he was 44 years old when he began to address it.

Addiction is so prevalent in society right now that I feel this is a really important story to cover. So many people are using substances, people or things to numb their anxieties and pain. Numbing tools can be anything from food, sex, alcohol and drugs. We live in a numbing culture even though avoiding our problems never solves them. We end up lifeless, unavailable and unable to experience life.

Think about your thoughts and tendencies. Do you find yourself wishing for a cigarette, a cup of coffee, a drink or a pill when you feel stressed or tense? Do you find yourself rationalizing your use of any addictive substances? Could you be using alcohol, cigarettes or drugs to cut yourself off from your feelings?

Don’t miss this exclusive interview, coming soon to Kirsty TV.

For more on this addiction, visit www.psychalive.org.

Stay tuned to www.KirstyTV.com for full episodes of our interviews, when our talk show launches in March 2013. We will be sharing inspirational stories from our interviews with everyday people, celebrities and experts.