Widow Finds Purpose in Life Again

Widow Finds Purpose in Life Again



Beth Howard believes that the joy of pie is about more than eating–it’s also about providing connection, community, comfort and bringing people together. So not only are we going to bake the pies, but we are then going to give them away to people. So, I’m here in gorgeous Pasadena, California where I’m about to have my first pie baking lesson.

Part of the reason Beth loves making pie is for the sensual, tactile experience of really engaging with your food. 

Beth explains, “I think people need to realize that they need to give something of themselves. You don’t have to start a non-profit to make a difference in the world, it could just be going down the street to a neighbor who is grieving or who just lost their job. Just to cheer someone up.”

Beth Howard and Kirsty Spraggon on KirstyTV


Get the recipe and watch the demo video here.

5 Things That Pie Does

Pie is to comfort.

Pie is to lift your spirits.

Pie is to keep an open mind.

Pie is to heal.

Pie is to seduce.

“Every pie should be unique and reflect your personality.”  Beth tells us that people should know you made it by hand, so it shouldn’t look store bought and perfect. 

Lesson 1 : Who are you making this pie for? Think of that ahead of time. Have someone in mind.

Lesson 2: Pie is about sharing and building community. 

Lesson 3: Pie can brighten someone’s day. 

Lesson 4: Tough Customers: Pies can reach through to people. 

Lesson 5: Pie is to heal, comfort, seduce…

Lesson 6: I could still make a contribution.

After Beth’s husband died, she filmed a documentary in where she and a friend baked 50 pies by hand and gave them out to strangers. The reaction from the the people who received them was so positively powerful. People felt good and the discovery for Beth was that even at her lowest point in her life, she could still make people happy and contribute to her community. She didn’t stop there. After the Sandy Hook Shooting, she loaded up her RV and gave away 250 pies in Newtown, Connecticut.

It was an amazing afternoon! I thought I was going to learn how to make pie, but I learned that pie can heal and bring people together. I had so much fun giving away the free pie. I saw that such a simple thing as giving of yourself can provide so much joy.

Beth Howard on KirstyTV

Beth Howard’s heart-warming story of her courageous triumph over loss will inspire you. Her book, ‘Making Piece, a memoir of love, loss and pie’ is about hope. You can find it hon her website: http://theworldneedsmorepie.com/  

Martha Stewart’s Real Simple magazine published a great feature written by Beth Howard. Read, Miss American Pie here.

Follow Beth Howard on Twitter: https://twitter.com/worldneedspie

And Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheWorldNeedsMorePie

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