9/11 Twin Tower Survivor – Her Story of Shock and Healing Post Attack

Photo of me at my desk in the World Trade Center, September 7, 2001   In remembrance and honor of 9/11, I sat down with a survivor of the attack of that fateful day.  Michelle Rosado was in Tower II of the World Trade Center when Tower I was hit. Today, 12 years after the attack on American soil, we recorded our interview on Google Hangout as she shared the details of that morning and her journey to healing and Read More

Freedom Comes From Forgiveness

In light of recent events with the murder and trial of Trayvon Martin, Boston bombing and the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, I’m sharing a beautiful work of love and truth by Author, Speaker and Kirsty TV guest, Chappale Burton. If anyone knows the power of forgiveness, it’s this man who was abused as a child by his step father and witness the murder of both of his parents as a young boy. Watch our interview about his childhood trauma Read More

Drunk Driving With Her Children – Her Story Of Recovery & Forgiveness, Amy Baumgardner

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9MQryO8q7E[/youtube] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNeQkXWiP8o[/youtube] Drunk driving with her children is where her story to recovery and forgiveness began. Amy Baumgardner is a wife, a mother & a recovering alcoholic who is sharing her very personal story with us at KirstyTV. Four years ago, Amy made the decision to drive drunk with her 5 and 7 year old children. She had a car accident which threatened the life of her youngest child, leaving her in critical condition. The accident was a huge turning Read More

How To Thrive As An Adult After Childhood Trauma

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7frZeA2yL5g&list=PLQIikebAPmLWnoONVNCfK-ToC2YPeeNhq&index=1[/youtube] [powerpress] As adult thrivers of early childhood traumas, we want to look to see how are we doing in our lives now. K Expert, Lisa Cypers Kamen is an international happiness Expert, a Positive Psychology Coach, Speaker and Author. We are talking about what happens when you go through some kind of trauma, particularly in your formative years that changes your life. Trauma that changes how we see the world are life interrupting occurrences that change the the way Read More

How To Forgive Someone Who’s Hurt Us – Kouch Time On Kirsty TV

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjFswByXo0I&list=PLQIikebAPmLUPXy05DKmphT8hUuZj_8dY&index=1[/youtube] [powerpress] How do I forgive someone who has hurt me so much? We all have asked ourselves that and want to know how we can move through those hard times and life altering events? Kirsty and friends discuss how to forgive when it’s hard. Sometimes intervention and counseling is essential, because there a need to form a new sense of security. Forgiveness is also key. Lisa tells us, “The forgiveness first has to be against the person that perpetrated Read More

Witnessed the Murder of His Parents as a Child, Chappale Learned How To Forgive The Assailant

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXlxRFs6Jcc&list=PLQIikebAPmLXfBSdF6-wWrzcpt-4cS2zg&index=2[/youtube] [powerpress] Chappale Burton witnessed the tragic murder of his mother and stepfather in his childhood playground in Chicago, Illinois. He has gone on to live an inspirational life and teaches others how to move on from tragedy and find forgiveness in your heart. In his book titled, Choose Happiness, Chappale talks about his difficult childhood. He was physically and emotionally abused by his stepfather who would sometimes starve him as a toddler. He goes on to describe what he Read More

Forgiveness Set Me Free From A Lifetime of Sexual, Emotional and Physical Abuse

  There is a Buddhist proverb that states, “That which I do not forgive in you, lies unforgiven within myself.” At the age of fifteen I had already faced many challenges in my life. One of which was sexual abuse at the hands of my stepfather when I was fourteen. My mother and father were estranged at that time and had been divorced for a few years. The lack of acceptance with this occurrence brought me to a place where Read More

Coping With Death & The Questions We Don’t Ask, Answered (Video)

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnvKBiVu-hQ&list=PLQIikebAPmLXfBSdF6-wWrzcpt-4cS2zg&index=2[/youtube] [powerpress] Coping with death is something we all face at some point in life. Some of your questions about death are answered here on Kirsty TV, in this interview by Family Nurse Practitioner in Palliative Care, Therese Gibson. Therese helps people through life’s transition. Her first patient was her sister in law, who was 38 years old when she passed away from cancer. She passed at home, in the care of Therese and her family. Time Flies When You’re Read More

Stretch Yourself With a New Experience Like Travel

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nttmZW6fRY4&list=PLQIikebAPmLUVFYU8QYx6Lih8JjH3krw3&index=8[/youtube] A new experience is something that stretches you and helps you develop into a stronger person! I was just on a radio show where I talked about the beginning of my personal growth journey. It really began when I started to travel at age 18. I’ve traveled to over 40 countries, most of them in my youth!   How did those experiences change me? Being so young and naive, they made me stronger and more independent. I grew so much Read More

Dreams Big! How to Dream Big, What Is Your Dream & How To Make It A Reality

Dream BIG !  Firstly What Is Your Dream? Figuring out what you want starts with listening to your heart’s desires, sometimes it’s a very small uncertain voice but the more you ask yourself what you want the more you will start to hear the answer. Begin by sitting somewhere quietly with a pen and paper and just ask; What do I really want in life? What would I love to do, be, see and have? Where would I like to Read More