Mantraband – My Latest Obsession

[youtube][/youtube] Positive Thoughts Disarm Negative People It was the night before a big conference in Los Angeles and I ended up at a dinner where I met a guy who was just what we call a little bit of a “negative Nancy”. He was a bit of a dream crusher and just really left you feeling like a piece of poop. The next day, I’m in my bathroom, getting ready and I’m thinking to myself, how do I get rid Read More

Affirmations Outsmart Your Subconscious

[youtube][/youtube] Affirmations are something that most of us are familiar with or have heard of at some point or another. So what are they? Affirmations are affective when we say a positive thought or belief over and over again to affirm it and anchor it into our brain so it sticks. We actually have the capacity to rewire our brains! To fire off positive thought neurons in there. The problem is that on an average day, we’re saying thousands of negative Read More

Overcoming Adversity With Positive Thinking

[youtube][/youtube] [powerpress] Overcoming Adversity by Finding the Gifts  Today I want to talk about one of my favorite things that come up in my interviews on KirstyTV. It’s something that initially surprised me quite a bit; that all my guests, no matter how much trauma they’ve been through, were able to overcome adversity and now see their tragedy as a gift. They saw it as something beautiful that happened in their life that made them who they are today. Stronger, Read More