Stretch Yourself With a New Experience Like Travel

Stretch Yourself With a New Experience Like Travel


A new experience is something that stretches you and helps you develop into a stronger person! I was just on a radio show where I talked about the beginning of my personal growth journey. It really began when I started to travel at age 18. I’ve traveled to over 40 countries, most of them in my youth!  

How did those experiences change me? Being so young and naive, they made me stronger and more independent. I grew so much during those years where I was in foreign land, scared and forced to learn new things. I remember being in tears and wanting to give up, but I’m so grateful for those times I was living out of my comfort zone.  I used those memories when I moved to the United States… I remembered that I had been in that uncomfortable place before and that I got through it. That it would pass and it did.

So have new experiences! Try something new like a cooking class. Something that stretches you and develops your social skills and confidence. You can takes those experiences with you later when you are out of your comfort zone, remembering that you’ve done it before and you can do it again. Be courageous! Good luck to you on your journey!

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