Affirmations Outsmart Your Subconscious

Affirmations Outsmart Your Subconscious


Affirmations are something that most of us are familiar with or have heard of at some point or another. So what are they? Affirmations are affective when we say a positive thought or belief over and over again to affirm it and anchor it into our brain so it sticks. We actually have the capacity to rewire our brains! To fire off positive thought neurons in there. The problem is that on an average day, we’re saying thousands of negative things inside our head most of the time, to ourselves. So, we really need to be shifting that thinking and putting in the good stuff. It takes work. It takes you answering for yourself, what are those good things, what are those positive anchors that you want to program for yourself?

Positive Affirmations and Mantra Ideas

You can do this by reading positive affirmation cards. You can put statements and images up on your desktop. Another great thing I’ve recently started using is Mantraband. This company has come up with beautiful bracelets with mantras (or affirmations) on them. You can check them out each time you go to look at your watch! What I find fantastic about these is that you can set an intention for the day. They have hundreds of different affirmations and one of them is ‘Breathe’. So simple! I don’t know about you guys, but I forget to breathe all the time. I have to remind myself to be more present, to be more grounded, to think about what my intention is for the day.

They have so many smart and positive affirmations. One of my favorites is, ‘Everything happens for a reason.’ It speaks to me because that is what KirstyTV is all about! It’s the essence of what my guests believe; that when tragedy or adversity strike (that for them), there’s always been a gift in it.

So, what are the affirmations that you need to strengthen your belief in yourself? To go after a big dream or goal that you have in life? Something that you want to anchor in and program? What is an affirmation that you’ve set in your life? Maybe it will help somebody else. I’d love you to tweet us at @KirstyTV and use the hashtags #Kirsty and #Mantraband. Share your affirmations with all of us! You can also post your affirmations on Facebook at

Affirmations Mantraband