How to Embrace Your Power and Move From Living in Fear to Living in Love 

I used to have a recurring nightmare. In the nightmare, I was trapped in a concrete maze on top of a building. I ran frantically through the maze, gasping for breath, looking for a way out. Every time I thought I was almost out of the maze, I turned a corner, only to run into a man much larger than me, dressed in black and wearing a white mask. I never knew who he was.  This nightmare was related to Read More

Wake Up: 20% of People Have Been Sexually Abused

[youtube][/youtube] [powerpress] I met Amitha at a reading of a beautiful compilation book called, Dear Sister, which is a book of letters from survivors of sexual abuse. There we met a woman who must have been in her late 30’s, who had also been sexually abused by her father and had never met another woman whom she knew had gone through father-to-daughter sexual abuse. It’s unfortunate that it took so long before she met someone who could relate to her Read More

I Survived Sexual Abused By My Own Father

[youtube][/youtube] [powerpress] “Dear Sister, when I was 13 years old, I was just starting to confront the reality of surviving 8 years of rape and other forms of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse by my father. I felt utterly alone. I read everything I could find about child sexual abuse and father-daughter incest, searching for a guidebook that would tell me what to do. I lingered for hours in the self help aisle of every bookstore and library I entered. Read More