I Told My Religious Parents I Am Gay

Sitting in an empty locker room, my phone in hand – I knew I had to do it. I was about to be late for ballet class so I pressed call, the phone rang then rang again. My Dad answers, I remember just trying to breathe. Knowing I could not hold on to this secret anymore I just spit it out, “Dad, I have something to tell you. I am gay”. There was a silence and I heard my dad Read More

When I Came Out

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fr-OV7uJl9I[/youtube] [powerpress] From as young as 7 years old, Zachary Tristen had homosexual feelings, but when he was accepted into a premier ballet company he signed a statement that banned him from participating in homosexual activity. This led him to ignore his feelings for years. He even tried to heal himself from homosexuality, which at that time he believed was a choice. This denial of himself lead him to the brink of suicide before he finally got to a place Read More