Vulnerability – Why The Best Leaders View Vulnerability as a Strength

Vulnerability is something leaders like Howard Shultz, CEO of Starbucks value. He once said, “The hardest thing about being a leader is demonstrating or showing vulnerability… When the leader demonstrates vulnerability and sensibility and brings people together, the team wins.” We still have many organizations that seem to think that being vulnerable is unnecessary or a negative. That it implies you’re weak. Vulnerability researcher Brene Brown says ‘There’s no way to opt out of vulnerability. You do do it–so if you’re not Read More

Female Motivational Speaker – Kirsty Spraggon Live

Female Motivational Speaker – If that is what you’re looking for at your next convention then Kirsty Spraggon is the speaker to wow your  conference attendees. When clients are specifically wanting to have a woman speak Kirsty is always at the top of the list. She is motivational, inspirational, authentic and high energy. This Aussie speaker is based in the US and is guaranteed to hit a home run at your next event. You can see in the multiple videos below, Read More