Female Motivational Speaker – Kirsty Spraggon Live

Female Motivational Speaker – If that is what you’re looking for at your next convention then Kirsty Spraggon is the speaker to wow your  conference attendees. When clients are specifically wanting to have a woman speak Kirsty is always at the top of the list. She is motivational, inspirational, authentic and high energy. This Aussie speaker is based in the US and is guaranteed to hit a home run at your next event. You can see in the multiple videos below, Read More

Courage Motivational Speaker – Kirsty Spraggon ‘Best Keynote Speaker’

Courage Motivational Speaker, Kirsty Spraggon uses that one word as the premise of her 3 topics. That one words is the focus of the 3 COURAGE topic’s that international speaker Kirsty Spraggon speaks on. See below details on all 3 programs or click here to watch some videos of Kirsty live on stage speaking about courage. Courage To Succeed –  Personal Leadership & Mindset ‘OVERCOME OBSTACLES AND STEP INTO YOUR POTENTIAL’. Self awareness is the key to self mastery, dealing with Read More

Kirsty Spraggon – Meet The Motivational Speaker

Kirsty Spraggon, motivational speaker. Went from real estate phenom to fearless motivator, Kirsty Spraggon is an inspirational force to be reckoned with. Having lived in 7 cities and traveled to over 40 countries, she is an award-winning, global speaker, author, producer and talk show host and knows what it takes to lead with courage and fearlessly go after your dreams. Click here to see her live in action. Ranked in the top 1 % of 120,000 sales agents worldwide with Read More

Motivational Female Keynote Speaker Kirsty Spraggon – “Best Keynote Speaker”

[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2t6z5nHNFI&list=PLQIikebAPmLXatPXuc9skekrLMOfGq8E8&index=2[/youtube] Motivational Female Keynote Speaker, Kirsty Spraggon is a must see speaker if you’re wanting someone to inspire and motivate your attendees at your next conference. If you are looking to hire the best motivational keynote speaker for your conference then email [email protected] for her latest topic brochure & information. Kirsty speaks all over the world on inspirational and motivational topics including: How to live your best life, achieve your dreams and succeed as an entrepreneur. Kirsty is an international keynote Read More

Break This Rule At Work

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lK8-AbJlbNc&list=PLQIikebAPmLXatPXuc9skekrLMOfGq8E8&index=1[/youtube] [powerpress] You’ve heard, “Don’t mix business with pleasure”. Those who were brought up in the sales industry 20 years ago were trained not to do business with friends. I like to break those rules because what has worked really well for me has been mixing business with pleasure and doing business with friends. We know all the psychology reports suggest we do business with people we like. That doesn’t mean they have to be like us. We have a Read More

Have Fun Building Relationships With Clients – Relationship Building With Kirsty Spraggon

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLrARe59Bbk&list=PLQIikebAPmLXatPXuc9skekrLMOfGq8E8&index=1[/youtube] It’s okay to have fun building relationships with clients (I promise). We can get so caught up in thinking what’s important everyday is the pile of emails. The Protestant work ethic is so engrained in us that unless work feels difficult and challenging, we don’t feel we are working hard enough. We worry that maybe we are having too much fun. If we’re out networking or spending time by the water cooler to chat with a colleague, we don’t Read More

Connecting With Clients – Relationship Building With Speaker Kirsty Spraggon

[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kpizHC14Wg&list=PLQIikebAPmLXatPXuc9skekrLMOfGq8E8&index=1[/youtube] Soft is the new strong. Sharing is important and something we struggle with. How can you be willing to be vulnerable enough to connect with other people? We do business with people we like and we like people that we feel connected with. The only way to do that is to know something about them that isn’t about business. So create experiences! Wether it’s a bowling event, training or a personalized card on their birthday. Find a way to Read More

Compliments Are As Good As Cash To Our Brain – Client Relationships

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaowSkcuzs8&list=PLQIikebAPmLXatPXuc9skekrLMOfGq8E8&index=1[/youtube] Did you know that paying people compliments activates the same reward center in the brain as paying cash? I was walking past a bank and I see this sign that says, ‘Hi. You look nice today.’ It brightened me up and made me smile so much that I had to go back and take a photo. You can use this reward trigger in so many ways. Perhaps add one to a statement when you’re asking someone to pay money. Read More