Follow Your Vision – Trust Your Instincts

[youtube][/youtube] [powerpress] I followed my vision even though I didn’t know where it was leading. How I started an online talk show that helps people all over the world find healing.   Today we are going to turn the tables around on me. Tania is one of my amazing and beautiful assistants who helps me with everything KirstyTV. In this video, she interviews me and asks me how the vision for KirstyTV started. The vision started with the fact that everyone Read More

Your Eat Pray Love Adventure

[youtube][/youtube] Has anyone seen the movie Eat Pray Love or read the book? I love this book, because she took herself on an adventure and on a journey of self discovery. For her it was through eating in Italy, praying in India and finding love in Bali. She found herself.  For me my journey, my greatest adventure has been being an entrepreneur, or perhaps I should say in becoming an entrepreneur. It is has been my greatest love.  If you Read More

Life Epiphanies Are Turning Point Moments in Our Lives

  Life epiphanies are turning point moments that are pivotal occurrences that can or will change our lives. The turning point moments of famous people are well known. Oprah Winfrey was fired as news anchor at WJZ-TV, which allowed her to refocus and become the talk show host she was born to be. Steve Jobs was removed from his own company and used the break to reinvent himself, establishing himself as one of the great visionaries with a cult following. Employed as a caricaturist, Read More

You Suck Until You Don’t

[youtube][/youtube] You suck until you don’t. Literally. You are bad until you are good. I’ve noticed that people who want to go after your dreams, are bad until they are good at it. You might really suck in the beginning. No one is born a really good speaker and though I am good at it now, I struggled at the start. Even when you have a natural talent and a gift, you are still going to have a lot to Read More

Video – Tracy Broughton Talks About The Power Of Faith

[youtube][/youtube] [powerpress] Tracy Broughton, former Ms. Amercia, mother, entrepreneur, speaker and advocate for people with disabilities has moved mountains with her faith. Her positive nature and strength comes from faith she found within, which is a wisdom she generously instills in her children and shares with anyone she can. Watch the video to get a better idea of what and who this beauty is because I don’t know that I cannot do her enough justice with my words. Here’s a Read More