9/11 Twin Tower Survivor – Her Story of Shock and Healing Post Attack

Photo of me at my desk in the World Trade Center, September 7, 2001   In remembrance and honor of 9/11, I sat down with a survivor of the attack of that fateful day.  Michelle Rosado was in Tower II of the World Trade Center when Tower I was hit. Today, 12 years after the attack on American soil, we recorded our interview on Google Hangout as she shared the details of that morning and her journey to healing and Read More

9/11 – She Was in Tower II

 [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qf_DWrIXijE&list=PLQIikebAPmLVG5K5SiFWKd8p62FwKQ2KE&index=1[/youtube]    [powerpress] I had never heard an account of the morning of 9/11 in this much detail until I met the amazing Michelle. Watch our interview, read the timeline of events below and leave your comments. Thanks for watching and sharing Michelle’s story. Will I Recover? by Michelle Cruz Rosado  Taking the elevator to the 95th Floor of Two World Trade Center was something that had become a mindless, involuntary action for all of us who worked there. Our offices Read More

Freedom Comes From Forgiveness

In light of recent events with the murder and trial of Trayvon Martin, Boston bombing and the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, I’m sharing a beautiful work of love and truth by Author, Speaker and Kirsty TV guest, Chappale Burton. If anyone knows the power of forgiveness, it’s this man who was abused as a child by his step father and witness the murder of both of his parents as a young boy. Watch our interview about his childhood trauma Read More

Healthy Marriage After Sexual Abuse – Haneef’s Follow Up Interview

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1Vtq_cbGZw&list=PLQIikebAPmLVG5K5SiFWKd8p62FwKQ2KE&index=2[/youtube] [powerpress] A healthy marriage after sexual abuse has been one of my guest’s triumphs after being sexually abused multiple times in her teens. My guest found healing that allowed her to live a healthy life not defined by her past abuse. At just 15, Haneef Jordan was gang raped and then at 16 she began to endure daily sexual abuse at the hands of a trusted family member on her way to school. This set her on a course Read More

Healing After Being Molested & Raped As a Teen

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhFcCnm45ZM[/youtube] [powerpress] Sexually abused multiple times in her teens, my guest found healing that allowed her to live a healthy life not defined by her past abuse. At just 15, Haneef Jordan was gang raped and then at 16 she began to endure daily sexual abuse at the hands of a trusted family member on her way to school. This set her on a course to self destruction for many years. I am happy to say she is now happily Read More

Easiest Way to Get in a Successful State of Mind – Relationship Building With Kirsty Spraggon

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H39sEfjK5f0[/youtube] The easiest way to get in a successful state of mind is by far my favorite method. To get pumped and excited by using music that shifts your energy. When I was in sales, I would queue up songs in a playlist that would energize me at 7pm, when I was exhausted and just wanted to go home. I would use different songs for different things. One for speaking at a meeting, one for closing a sale, etc. We Read More

Tips on How to Improve Self Esteem

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6Xy7XoKl0k[/youtube] [powerpress] What is self esteem and how can we improve our self confidence? Kristina Johnson has been running self esteem workshops for 11 years for people dealing with issues from domestic violence to obesity.  What is self esteem? Self esteem is how you view yourself.   How does one recognize if they have low self esteem? Kristina explains that it can be discovered when a person examines their internal dialogue. In other words, ask yourself what you are saying to Read More

How To Build Self Esteem With Self Love – Kouch Time

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9A9NeTgX8ls&list=PLQIikebAPmLUPXy05DKmphT8hUuZj_8dY&index=1[/youtube] [powerpress] Building self esteem starts with self love. Confidence and loving yourself suffers when you are picked on, called names and bullied… it’s not always the words that hurt the most, but the energy behind them. Adolescence seems to be the time that we are bullied or cut down the most and the time when what others think is most important to us. Being able to look at yourself and love yourself is so important. Some people struggle with Read More

Self Love – Learning To Love What’s Difficult in Yourself Will Change Everything

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wwt8xrf3D18[/youtube] [powerpress] Self love and self acceptance is something Peggy O’Neill struggled with for many years due to low self esteem. Peggy was born a little person. She’s gone on to become an inspirational speaker, author and psychotherapist and she shares a message of how to love what’s difficult in yourself. The tough part began when she was a little kid. At about 4th grade is when she realized that she was going to be small for the rest of her Read More

OWN Ambassador’s Or #OWNers As We Like To Call Ourselves – 5 Owners Inspiring Interviews

Oprah calls them ‘Carriers Of The Light’. They are #OWNers, #OWN Ambassadors & #SuperSoulers.  I met each of them through twitter, through our common love of ‘Super Soul Sunday & all things OWN. All with a common interest to learn, grow & heal. They epitomize what my show KirstyTV is all about ‘sharing your story so you can heal yourself & heal others’. We invite you to watch their profound, personal videos below & please help us share and tweet the Read More